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There are 51 items on 11 pages.

Darlington Borough Local Plan 2016-2036 Adopted 17 February 2022

At the Council meeting on 17 February 2022 Darlington Borough Council adopted the Darlington Borough Local Plan (2016-2036) [pdf document, 44mb].

The Darlington Borough Local Plan (2016-2036) now carries full weight in the consideration of planning applications and replaces the ‘saved’ policies of the Borough of Darlington Local Plan 1997 (updated 2001) and the Darlington Core Strategy (2011).

By Planning Policy Team at 18 Feb 2022

Darlington Local Plan 2016-2036

The appointed Planning Inspector, Mr William Fieldhouse BA (Hons) MA MRTPI has concluded that with the recommended main modifications (consulted on between 19 October and 30 November 2021), the Darlington Local Plan 2016-2036 is sound and compliant with the legal requirements.  Please visit the Local Plan Examination page for more details.

By Planning Policy Team at 1 Feb 2022

Consultation on Darlington Local Plan - Proposed Modifications

Notice of consultation on the Darlington Local Plan - Proposed Modifications

The Inspector conducting the examination of the Darlington Local Plan has concluded that Main Modifications are required to make the plan sound.  A schedule of proposed Main Modifications has been prepared which is to be the subject of consultation.  The Main Modifications are proposed without prejudice to the Inspectors’ final conclusions on the plan, which will take into account all of the representations submitted in response to this consultation.  In addition to the proposed Main Modifications, comments are invited on the following:

·         A schedule of proposed modifications to the Local Plan Policies Map

·         Sustainability Appraisal of the Modifications

·         Habitats Regulations Assessment of the Modifications

·         Minor Modifications proposed by the Council

The consultation runs from:

Tuesday 19 October 2021 until 5pm on Tuesday 30 November 2021

During the consultation period a copy of the consultation documents will be available for inspection on the Council’s consultation portal:

And by prior appointment at Darlington Borough Council Customer Contact Centre:

Town Hall, Feethams, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Bookings can be made by contacting the Planning Policy team on either 01325 406724 or by email at [email protected].

The consultation documents will also be available to view at the following places:

Darlington Library, Crown Street, Monday to Saturday 10am – 4pm
Cockerton Library.  Documents will be available once the library has reopened after its refurbishment.

How to make representations

Representations on consultation documents can be made:

Online: At the Council’s consultation portal

In writing using this form: Planning Policy, Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT or email to [email protected]

If you wish to make comments on multiple modifications of the plan you should complete a form for each of the modifications you wish to comment on.  

Please note:  the representations period ends at 5pm on Tuesday 30 November 2021.  To comply with current planning regulations any representations received after this time will be treated as if they were received on the next working day.  As such they will be late representations and may not be considered by the Inspector.  As this is a formal representation period no exceptions or extensions can be made.

Representations on the Main Modifications and Policies Map changes are required to state how they relate to ‘Soundness’ and ‘Legal Compliance’.

This is not an opportunity to raise again matters relating to other parts of the submitted Darlington Local Plan that have already been considered by the Inspector during the Examination.  The Inspector will only consider representations which relate specifically to the proposed Main Modifications and the other consultation documents.


By Planning Policy Team at 19 Oct 2021

Local Plan Examination Hearings start on 25 May 2021

The Local Plan examination hearings will start tomorrow, Tuesday 25 May 2021, and will take place over eight days as follows:

Week 1: Tuesday 25 May and Wednesday 26 May 2021
Week 2: Tuesday 15 June to Thursday 17 June 2021
Week 3: Tuesday 22 June to Thursday 24 June 2021

Tuesday 29 June 2021 is a reserve day that could be used to continue discussion of one or more matters if necessary.

Due to the current coronavirus legislation and restrictions, and the related capacity issues at Darlington Town Hall, the hearing sessions will be held virtually using Microsoft Teams.  All of the sessions will be broadcast on YouTube [external link].

For more information, including the agendas for each session, please visit the Local Plan Examination page.

By Planning Policy Team at 24 May 2021
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