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Developer Update Session 27 October 2016

Are you a Developer?  Have you got a land interest in Darlington?  If yes, then you may be interested in our Developer Update Session on the 27 October 2016. 

Following the successful workshop events in January and July 2016, and the consultation process over the summer, we would like to update you on our progress and position regarding the Local Plan. It is also an opportunity to inform you of the next steps and how you can stay involved in the process.  The event will cover: 

  1. Update on Darlington Local Plan progress including consultation outcomes, feedback from Place Scrutiny Committee,  strategic site selection, and next steps.
  2. Explain the approach to pro-active working with Developers, highlighting likely ‘asks’ as part of developing Stage 2 evidence.
  3. Explain the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)  process/methodology for 2016-2017 as an integral evidence input for the local plan submission, and the role for stakeholders in supporting the process.

The session will take place at 9:30am – 11:30am on  Thursday 27 October at the Town Hall.

If you would like to attend please contact us at [email protected] or call us on 01325 406724, making clear which sites you're representing.

By Planning Policy Team at 13 Oct 2016
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