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There are 90 items on 18 pages.

Darlington 2036 - planning a better place for all: 4th August 1.45pm – 4.45pm at the Dolphin Centre, Darlington

Darlington 2036 - planning a better place for all:

Thursday 4th August 1.45pm – 4.45pm  at the Dolphin Centre, Darlington

Do you have strong views about what kind of future we should be planning for Darlington? What kind of future would you like your children to have here?

Why not share your views with Council planners and others interested in the future of Darlington and its surroundings at the above FREE event? Feedback will be used to influence the development of the new Darlington Local Plan.

To secure a place, please e-mail [email protected] by midday Wednesday 3rd August, indicating the area where you live or work, and if you have any specific topics of interest.

Places are limited, so we will let you know in advance if you have secured a place.



By Planning Policy Team at 26 Jul 2016

'Call for Sites' Reminder

Just a reminder that our ‘call for sites’ remains open for just over three weeks. We have received around 30 submissions so far but would like more in order that we can assess as comprehensive and varied a range of sites as possible.

The purpose of the 'call for sites' is to identify sites within the Borough that may have potential for development to meet identified needs over the next 20 years, including for  housing, retail, commercial and community development and infrastructure. This will help to ensure that there is sufficient land available across the Borough to meet our development needs. This could include allocating land for housing, retail, commercial and community development and infrastructure amongst other things.

If you are aware of any site(s) that may have development potential over the next 20 years please let us know by completing the ‘Site Submission’  section of the website. Even if you have previously submitted a site to us via the SHLAA process or the previous plan we would ask that you complete the quick form to reaffirm your interest.

By Planning Policy Team at 21 Jul 2016

Consultation on strategic issues & scoping - now open

If you have registered your details you should have today received an email (or letter) that our consultation exercise on strategic issues and scoping of the new Local Plan is now open. If you haven't registered and would like to be involved please do so on the 'keep in touch' section of the website.

From now until 15 August 2016, we are inviting your comments on what the scope of the new Local Plan should be, and the planning issues it should address. We are also setting out our starting point for developing new planning policies and the framework we will use to making decisions on the Local Plan.

The consultation covers strategic issues including our vision and objectives and our plans for achieving them, as well as more detailed issues such as infrastructure provision and protecting the environment. The consultation materials are all available in the 'Issues & Scoping Consultation' section of this website.

This consultation also includes a ‘call for sites’, to identify sites within the Borough that may have potential for development to meet identified needs over the next 20 years, including for  housing, retail, commercial and community development and infrastructure. This will help to ensure that there is sufficient land available across the Borough to meet our development needs. This could include allocating land for housing, retail, commercial and community development and infrastructure amongst other things. If you are aware of any site(s) that may have development potential over the next 20 years please let us know by completing the ‘Site Submission’  section of the website.

As the consultation progresses, we will use this website to publish comments received and answer frequently asked questions. We will also publicise any further consultation events and opportunities to get involved.

We look forward to hearing from you.


By Planning Policy Team at 15 Jun 2016
There are 90 items on 18 pages.

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