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There are 90 items on 18 pages.

Local Plan Issues and Scoping UPDATE

The team are currently analysing the consultation responses received which will be considered in detail at a Scrutiny Meeting on the 20 October 2016.  The comments from Members will be included in the subsequent report, to be considered by the Cabinet on the 8 November 2016.

Cabinet Reports can be viewed a week before the meeting and we will publish the link to those reports nearer the time.

All of the consultation responses received can be seen here.


By Planning Policy Team at 29 Sep 2016

One Darlington Article September 2016


 The latest issue of One Darlington Magazine is being delivered to all properties within the borough. It contains an article updating on progress with the Local Plan. If you haven't seen a copy already, one can be viewed here [pdf]


By Planning Policy Team at 16 Sep 2016

Issues and Scoping Consultation has now ended

The consultation on the Issues and Scoping for the new Local Plan for Darlington 2016-2036 has now ended.  Thank you for all of the comments you have submitted.  We will be publishing the comments received and providing details of the next steps soon.

By Planning Policy Team at 17 Aug 2016

Darlington 2036 - Planning a Better Place for All - Event Presentations Now Available

The workshop on Thursday 4 August developing a vision for the new Darlington Local Plan 2016-2036 generated some very useful discussion and feedback. We will be using this to inform the Local Plan's vision and objectives, which will in turn guide development in the Borough over the next twenty years. The draft vision will be included in a report to the Council’s Place Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet in the Autumn.

Copies of the presentations from yesterday's event (4 August 2016) can be downloaded here (all load as PDF's in separate window):

Our public Issues and Scoping consultation was first publicised in June and will continue to run until 15 August 2016 - if there specific points you wish to make or expand upon, then there is still time.  If you visit the Issues & Scoping Consultation section of our website each topic has a green ‘Give feedback on this topic button’ that links to an online comments form.  Alternatively comments can be emailed to [email protected]

Do keep checking back to our website for updates and there will be another article in the next One Darlington magazine. 

By Planning Policy Team at 5 Aug 2016
There are 90 items on 18 pages.

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