Thank you to everyone that took the time to make representations on the Local Plan. We are processing all the responses now and any outstanding acknowledgements should be issued in the next few days.
Responses processed so far can be seen on the consultation portal in the 'Who said what?' section:
Don't worry if your comments aren't visible yet we are working through them as quickly as possible.
By Planning Policy Team at 17 Sep 2020
The representation period on the Proposed Submission Local Plan will end TOMORROW, 17 September 2020, at 5pm.
All comments must be submitted by then. This is your final opportunity to have your say on the plan before it goes to the Government for Independent Examination.
For more information please visit the Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19) webpage.
By Planning Policy Team at 16 Sep 2020
The representation period on the Proposed Submission Local Plan will end in 1 weeks, at 5pm on the 17 September 2020.
This is your final opportunity to have your say on the plan before it goes to the Government for independent examination. For more information please visit the Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19) webpage.
By Planning Policy at 10 Sep 2020
The Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19) representation period will run from Thursday 6 August 2020 and will run for 6 weeks until 5pm on Thursday 17 September 2020.
This is your final chance to have your say on the plan before it goes to the Government for independent examination. For more information please visit Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19).
By Planning Policy Team at 5 Aug 2020
With the ongoing relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions, the Council are now looking to restart the Local Plan preparation process. With this in mind we are aiming to publish the Proposed Submission Plan (Regulation 19) for a statutory representation period of 6 weeks commencing in early August. Precise dates will be confirmed in due course and are subject to change in line with Government guidance relating to COVID-19.
How to get involved:
If you have already commented on the plan and are on our consultation database you will be notified when the representation period starts. If you have not done so you can register on our Local Plan Consultation Portal.
By Planning Policy Team at 8 Jul 2020