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There are 25 items on 5 pages.

Local Green Space Designation

The Council is seeking your views on potential sites for Local Green Space designation.  There are no restrictions on the type of green space which can be designated as Local Green Space.  Allotments or urban spaces that provide a tranquil oasis could be designated.  Land which is partly developed with structures such as sports pavillions, boating lakes or war memorials could also be appropriate.  They key characteristic for the designation should be the particular importance to the local community.  More information, including the criteria which the site must meet, can be seen on the Local Green Space Designation page.  Applications must be made by 5pm on Wednesday 21 March 2018.

By Planning Policy Team at 5 Feb 2018

Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment

The Darlington Housing Employment Land  Availability Assessment  2017 (HELAA 2017) assesses the suitability, availability and achievability of sites in the Borough to be considered for allocation in the Local Plan 2016-36.    

The process was previously known as the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA), and has been renamed as the HELAA to reflect its consideration of employment sites alongside housing. All sites that were considered as part of the previous SHLAA (2015) were retained and carried forward into the HELAA to be considered in an up to date context.

For more information please click on the Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment theme page.

By Planning Policy Team at 31 Jan 2018
There are 25 items on 5 pages.

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