Local Green Space Designations - June 2018
The Council held a consultation between February and March 2018 for six weeks to allow sites to be submitted for consideration. Seventeen sites were submitted for consideration for designation and seven of these have been recommended for designation in the Draft Local Plan. A report of the assessment process for these sites is now available:
Local Green Space Designation Report - June 2018 [pdf, loads in separate window]
Consultation on the Draft Local Plan runs until 2 August 2018 during which you will be able to comment on the proposed designations and submit addittional sites for consideration. If you would like to submit new sites if you could inform us via the consultation portal and comment on Policy ENV 6. We will then be able to send you the forms necessary to support a Local Green Space application, alternatively the information on the Local Green Space Designation page of assistance.
By Planning Policy Team at 30 Jun 2018