Consultation on Skerningham Masterplan
The consultation on the Skerningham Garden Village Masterplan is now underway
By Planning Policy Team at 6 Nov 2023A new development plan for long term investment and growth for Darlington has been adopted. It sets out where significant new development should go and includes policies to protect valued environments and heritage, and ensure liveable places.
This plan seeks to ensure our population’s needs for housing, a thriving economy, community facilities and infrastructure are met, as well as safeguarding the environment, adapting to climate change and securing good design. By 2036, there could be at least 10,000 new homes, supporting the creation of at least 7000 new jobs and helping to sustain a vibrant town centre and high quality sports and recreation facilities and spaces. The Local Plan is a framework that will make growth happen in a well thought out and sustainable way.
The Darlington Borough Local Plan 2016 – 2036 [pdf document]
Policies Map [pdf document]
An interactive Policies Map is also available.
The Darlington Borough Local Plan was the subject of an independent examination conducted by William Fieldhouse, BA(Hons) MA, MRTPI, an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State. In his report published in January 2022 the Inspector confirmed, subject to a number of main modifications, the Plan was sound and capable of adoption. The recommended main modifications, along with the consequential minor modifications, have been included in the adopted Darlington Borough Local Plan (2016-2036) document, which now carries full weight in the consideration of planning applications and replaces the ‘saved’ policies of the Borough of Darlington Local Plan 1997 (updated 2001) and the Darlington Core Strategy (2011).
More information about Planning Policy in Darlington is available here.
The consultation on the Skerningham Garden Village Masterplan is now underway
By Planning Policy Team at 6 Nov 2023The 2nd consultation on the Skerningham Design Code has now ended
By Planning Policy Team at 19 Jan 2023Inspector concludes the Local Plan 2016-2036 is considered, with the recommended modifications, to be sound and compliant with the legal requirements.
By Planning Policy Team at 1 Feb 2022